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The things in my virtual toolbox.

Email Testing Services

When I need a new tool or service: free for developers.

CLI Tools

  • archivebox -- DIY personalized WayBack Machine. This is the closest thing I have to something that does what I want for bookmarks management.
  • glab -- || 📓 Using glab
  • HTTPie -- a user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. It comes with JSON support, syntax highlighting, persistent sessions, wget-like downloads, plugins, and more.
  • magic-wormhole -- A python library for getting things from one computer to another, safely.
  • Org Mode -- A GNU Emacs major mode for convenient plain text markup — and much more. Great when combined with pandoc.
  • Pandoc -- A universal document converter.
  • pass -- the standard unix password manager
  • rclone -- It's like rsync for the cloud.
  • sqlite-utils as a great way to do thing slike importing a CSV into an SQLite database.
  • -- a free command line tool which checks a server's service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as recent cryptographic flaws and more.
  • autossh

GUI Tools

  • ~~Insomnia -- Open Source API Client (REST and GraphQL). An absolute must-have.~~
    • I no longer regularly use Insomnia.
  • Lens -- The Kubernetes IDE for (debugging|devops|development|operations|monitoring).

Websites and Services

Self-hosted where possible

  • - Real-time collaborative Markdown editing.
  • JumpCloud -- I use this as "LDAP as a service". Sure, I could use openldap Docker containers but using JumpCloud is much faster and easier. I'm just doing this for testing, not for production. Free for up to 10 users. (Read about using JumpCloud with GitLab: Use JumpCloud with GitLab)!
  • -- The easiest way to configure a performant, secure and stable NGINX server.
  • What's My Chain Cert? -- This site tests if your server is serving the correct certificate chain, tells you what chain you should be serving, and helps you configure your server to serve it.
  • These two are great for if you want a quick webhook receiver but don't want to stand one up on localhost or similar:
  • RequestBin A modern request bin to inspect any event. Send HTTP or webhook requests.
  • for Parsing JSON

File Transfer Options

I quite like magic-wormhole for non-sensitive file transfers.

  • TODO Investigate croc in addition to or instead of magic-wormhole for an expanded set of purposes.

The development of croc was inspired by magic-wormhole and croc intends to address some of the limitations with magic-wormhole usage.

Writing Tools

  • glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizazz!
  • - Google Docs but for Markdown. 😝
  • Obsidian
  • I love the Org Mode provided my emacs for note taking!
  • Zettlr

Converting Org Mode to Pandoc