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See RFC 7644 for SCIM:

System for Cross-domain Identity Management

We have a docs page called SCIM provisioning using SAML SSO for groups.

  • SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language
  • ACS: Assertion Consumer Service (usually in the context of the ACS URL)

OK, so....SCIM vs SAML?

From a GitLab perspective....


System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), is an open standard that enables the automation of user provisioning. When SCIM is provisioned for a GitLab group, membership of that group is synchronized between GitLab and the identity provider.

SAML (for

SAML on allows users to sign in through their SAML identity provider. If the user is not already a member, the sign-in process automatically adds the user to the appropriate group.

SAML OmniAuth Provider:

GitLab can be configured to act as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider (SP). This allows GitLab to consume assertions from a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP), such as Okta to authenticate users.



Rails Console

You can access an Identity.

Identity.where(extern_uid: 'old-id').update!(extern_uid: 'new-id')`


Permit multiple email addresses during user provisioning via SCIM

I created the Permit multiple email addresses during user provisioning via SCIM issue proposing:

Adjust the way GitLab handle SCIM provisioning to consume all email addresses associated with a user.

I believe that there are two cases to cover:

In addition to adding the primary email address with a type of work, also add:

  • Multiple emails where the type is work (and only one if the primary)
  • Multiple emails where the type is not work

A colleague wrote:

Confirmed. We currently only use the first email we find that is a work type email or primary email -

We were definitely on the right track when looking into this params_parser.rb does the lifting.

the linked line

`email = emails.find { |email| email[:type] == 'work' || email[:primary] }`

Authentication: who is knocking, please? Authorization: does the person who is knocking have access to the door they are knocking on?